Appreciating life at home...

We have been back home in Australia for a while now. We are renting a great Queenslander. Its split in half but even so, our half is massive. We each have our own office and we have a little backyard...just a few streets off South Bank in the city! Living in this area is wonderful so far. We both bought bikes, which is great. We have so many great bike tracks around the city. Being close to the city is amazing for so many reasons. The house is old and it has some quirks but that tends to be the go when you rent a house for the price we are paying this close to the city.

The one less than ideal part about living in this area is that we are a little further away from family than we were before we left for our trip. That's okay, though. We are only fifteen minutes or so further away. I think after being away for so long it just feels like a lot further. I have really missed hikes and beach trips with family and friends (and even just seeing loved ones, for that matter). Being home is amazing. My parents and Josh's mum and partner met us at the arrival gate at the airport. Seeing them again and finally getting to hug them all was so nice. 


'No, no! The adventures first, explanations take such a dreadful time.'

Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland


We miss travelling already. Part of me wishes that we had kept travelling, however it is great to be home and to see all our loved ones. It was so great unpacking all our belongings and buying the furniture that we needed to purchase. I am not exactly sure when or where we are going to travel next but I am sure that we are going to plan some cool (smaller) trips in the coming months while we are renting here. I miss the relaxed atmosphere of Southeast Asia but I love the feeling of home. I think we found a little piece of home while we were away but there is nothing in the world quite like the real thing.

I am excited for whatever comes next and even more excited about the future in general. Three months in Southeast Asia with my best friend has been the most incredible time. I know that I will never get tired of travelling the world. One of my favourite parts of this entire experience has been getting to immerse ourselves in the culture and the natural beauty of all the places that we have been. This year, I am looking forward to travelling to more places, having a home base (for now) with Josh, spending quality time with our families and friends, and ticking off bucket list experiences and exploring this beautiful place we get to call Home. I am so lucky.

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