Reunited in Western Australia with my family after over a year!

'Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.'

Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture


When I was little, my family lived in Western Australia for a while. However, my brother and I were too young when we left to remember much of it. Fast forward to this month and our parents have been in WA for a while now for work as essential workers. It had been over a year since we last saw our dad, and not too much less time since we had seen our mum, too. So much had happened, from birthdays and our first Christmas not all being together, to new opportunities and chapters and Josh and myself getting engaged. Like many other people around the world, border closers and the like have meant that we have been separated from our family for far longer than we usually would be or would like to be. This year, our amazing mum turns 50. We typically keep birthdays pretty chill and always choose to just have a dinner or a lunch with one another to spend quality time together. However, being such a big birthday, and being so far away from one another, it looked like we would not get to celebrate with her in person. Then our parents surprised us and organised for us to fly over for a week to celebrate mum's big 50 early and to get to see one another, not knowing when the next opportunity would be. The borders were open at the time and we had to apply for a G2G Pass each to enter into the state.

We all got the time off, booked our flights, and eagerly anticipated the day, being careful to update our G2G passes when necessary and keeping a watchful eye on restrictions. Thankfully, when the time came to board our plane, all was a go. This was my brother's first time on such a long flight and it was mine and Josh's first time on a flight out of our home state in over a year. The flight passed relatively quickly and we arrived in Perth to find out that after we had boarded our plane, parts of Queensland had been made hotspots, one of them being the Sunshine Coast. We sat on the tarmac for longer than you usually would as a police announcement sounded out to make us aware of the changes and to highlight that when they did the G2G pass scan at our terminal, they would do so by segmenting the people on board the plane in three groups - the front, the middle, and the back of the plane. Thankfully, we had not come from a part of Queensland that was now a hotspot, so it was a cruisy entrance into the airport and out to the taxi cab rank where we would catch a taxi to our Airbnb for the week.

Our AirBnb was amazing. A beautiful Italian-inspired place that literally edges off the river, this place exceeded every expectation after we saw it online when our mum and dad booked it for all of us. When we arrived from the airport, we were welcomed by the owner and a fresh loaf of homemade bread. He showed us around and gave us the run of the place, explaining the house rules and telling us that during the season (which was not when we went over) you could watch dolphins swim up the river from the back deck! We settled in, chose our rooms, and called our parents. After a phone call, we all knew that we had come at the right time. We hung up, giving our love and wishing them safe travels, all looking forward to being together again for a whole week. We ordered some dinner and watched TV for a while before heading to bed relatively early, knowing that we would be getting up early the next day and excited to see our parents and spend time together. The rooms were lovely and we were excited to realise that not only were the beds super comfortable but in the morning when we woke up, the rooms were almost completely pitch black (blackout curtains and the right blinds make all the difference!). 

Reunited after over a year!

We heard a car pull up out the front and practically ran down the hallway to open the front door. We have not seen Dad in over a year and it has been over six months since we saw Mum last before she flew over to WA to be with Dad and enter into the FIFO field herself. I know that I will always remember that feeling when we saw their faces. I know that it is a feeling that millions of people around the globe have felt, or are eagerly waiting to feel, in the last few years. This is the first time in our lives that we have not even had the opportunity to see our parents and it is also the longest time that we have gone without seeing them. In a way, it made seeing one another so much more special, even if it was sad to have spent so long apart. My family is everything to me and finally being in a room with all five of us again is one of this year's favourite memories for me (and I am sure for everyone else, too). To say that it was quite emotional would be a huge understatement (though surprisingly, none of us straight up cried). After we grabbed their bags and took them to their room and showed them around the AirBnb, talking about their shift rotation and their flight back to Perth.

Not long after, we all piled into the hire car and set off for what would be the first of a week full of exciting days. Day one was all about catching up and beginning to explore Perth as a family. We ended up at a great little spot in Perth that reminds me so much of how a lot of old Aussie towns still look. Perth is of course quite developed now (to say the least), so this was lovely to see. Hearing all about site and catching up over a great meal and drinks felt like the perfect way to kickstart a great week full of family and adventure. And it was. While the entire week was of course special and wonderful, that first day is in my top three favourite moments of the entire trip. Just the pure joy of being with the people that I love most in the world, for the first time in so there anything else like it in the world? It is one of the best feelings in the world. We had heard Mum and Dad rave about the food in Perth for so long and wow...from that first meal of the week to the last, we had meals that exceeded our expectations every single day. I love it when the food perfectly encapsulates what a place is all about, and that is something that truly shines through in the food and drinks throughout Perth.

Eating our way around Perth

As I said, one of the best things about Perth is the food. I know, you can say that about anywhere if you think hard enough of the best places to go, but in Perth there is literally good food everywhere. And it is hard to beat the quality of the produce used and the mastery of the way that it is prepared. There are some truly spectacular places to eat where you can expect to see and pay prices that are a little on the higher side. And then there are the little hidden gems that have food that honestly sometimes rivals the more expensive places (though, to be fair, I guess how you judge the food can depend on how hangry you are by the time it is in front of you). Some of the best meals I have ever had, we had on that trip. There are three meals that stick out above the rest and I wish I had written down the names of them so I could link them for you (a little improvement that I will make sure to do moving forward!). Just trust me when I say that Perth is full of the most incredible foot that is constantly proving why Perth is such a bucket list destination not just for us Aussies wanting to explore more of our home country, but also for eager travellers around the globe.

There are two things that stand out most about the food in Perth. First is the unreal quality of the seafood is just ridiculous. Incredibly fresh and so delicious. I do not tend to each seafood all that often, but the seafood here was unreal. From the size to the flavours of the seafood, it just exceeded all expectations. And the other thing is the produce from the farms. We saw and shopped at some of the best markets I have ever seen in my life. Sharing great food with great people is one of my favourite ways to spend some some time. Whether you are by the ocean, in the city itself, or finding a place nestled in the country, you can always find a fantastic place to fuel your body for the next part of your adventures that day or night. And all of the food is one of the reasons that I am already so excited to visit this amazing place again. From the oceanside restaurants to the wineries, bars, and eateries in the country, trust me when I say all of the epic things you hear about the food there do not do the reality justice.

Insane beaches and sunsets by the water

Another of the best parts about Perth? The beaches. Along the entire edge of Australia, the beaches are absolutely some of the best in the world. In and around Perth, the beaches are somehow both familiar to us Aussies and each unique. We went to the beach the second day that we were there and we got to watch one of the clearest and most beautiful sunsets that I have ever seen over the ocean. There is something so pure and so rejuvenating about the ocean. It is one of my favourite parts of the world that we call home. There was one day that sticks out in my memory so clearly and I know that it always will. We drove to grab lunch by the water at this lovely little spot that absolutely looked like Venice (amazing!). It was this great seafood place that Mum and Dad said we had to go to. It edges along a boardwalk that goes out over the shallows. Going to sit down, we saw my brother rush back in from outside to tell us that there were wild dolphins swimming in the shallows! We all took turns bolting outside so that we would not lose our table.

Have you ever seen dolphins in their natural habitat? Immeasurably graceful and super intelligent. The two in front of us were gracefully propelling themselves through the water. It was magic. We sat down to eat and afterwards we chose to take a walk around the boardwalk. Every time they came to the surface, they would shift just a little so that it seemed as if they were taking a curious glance at the strange creatures above the surface. As we walked along the boardwalk, excitedly talking about seeing them so close, there they were again! It seemed like they were almost curious enough to be following us around! (of course this is not the case, but a pretty wild feeling nonetheless!). We stopped and watched them spiral through the water, seeing them come up around the parked boats in the marina and through the little canals that separated the apartment buildings there. It is one of my favourite memories and it was such a highlight for us all! 

Riding around Rottnest Island for the day

My brother, Josh, and I organised a day trip to Rottnest Island for us all as a surprise for my parents. We ended up telling them because we didn't want them to accidentally also do the same for us and end up spending twice the amount going twice (not that it would have been a bad thing! just with such a short time in Perth, we wanted every day to be different). Funnily enough, as we were telling them on the phone about it, they started to laugh. It was indeed one of the activities they were going to plan! Rottnest Island is a spectacular island off the mainland near Perth that is home to the world-famous quokka. None of us had ever been and it was the most perfect day. Even in the beginning of winter, we had the most beautiful weather and a little sun shower that rolled in and out quite quickly. We somehow managed to choose the one day that the island was welcoming hundreds upon hundreds of individuals to take part in a marathon. Even so, while the cafes and the like were quite busy in the morning, by the time that we edged towards the end of our day there, it was quieting down more all the time.

And in between, we genuinely saw just a few people when we rode away from the dock where the boats come into the island. It was perfect. If you get bikes, you pick them up with your ticket on the mainland and the guys load them onto the boat as you step on to head over to Rottnest Island. From the moment that we stepped foot on the island - and even before, as we drifted in towards the shallows - the colours of the water and the island stood out. It was immediate. And the entire day it just kept getting better and better. We Adjusted our bikes so they were comfortable and took off immediately from the pier. We rode up to the right and through some of the coastal paths which eventually led us back to the main food court section. Along the way, we saw our first quokkas of the day! These adorable cuties literally scurried right up to our bikes when we stopped to say hi. We tackled most of the island that day. When we got back to the cafe area, we looped our bikes up at the bike rack and had a quick breakfast. Here too, the quokkas were curious and eager to see what we chose on the menu! 

Riding bikes around the island is honestly the best way to do it. And I know, I know, it is the only way that I have ever done it, so how can I be so sure? We got to explore the entire island at our own pace, seeing parts of the island that would be impossible to get to all in one day on foot. There are just a few vehicles on the island for the hotel's use or belonging to the locals (the human locals, just in case you were wondering...). We rode between shallow lakes and towards the other side of the island, coming up on one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. I was literally just thinking, "imagine if we saw some whales!" when, in the very distance, we saw a few huge splashes! Whale season on the west coast is August-December, so you can imagine the joy of seeing them (even if it was so far out) in June was EPIC. We sat there watching them spray up in the distance for a while and then continued, heading to little gems on the island (you can look over the edge of a hill to see a little shipwreck at one spot!). Josh jumped in the chilly water (I usually would have myself, I forgot my swimmers, though!). We pulled our bikes over during a short shower and even then, the sun was peeking through enough to see the most dazzling colours all around us.

By the time that we had ridden back to the cafe area to have lunch, the sun was high in the sky again and it was all blue sky beauty. We searched around for a while before we found a spot to eat (this was an unusually busy day on the island, as I mentioned above) when Mum and Dad said they would be back in a second. Not thinking much of it, we kept looking for somewhere to eat. We found a cafe and met them there. And then Dad put a shopping bag down in the middle of the table. Mine and Andrew's parents (i.e. the most thoughtful people on the planet) bought the three of us a stuffed quokka each as a little momento of this family trip. It was the perfect little gift and it meant a lot to all of us. Thanking them and smiling ear to ear, we eased into contented chat about the day and everything that we were fortunate enough to be able to do while we were all there together. We spent the last few hours of the day saying hello to some more quokkas and riding around near the dock-side of the island. By the time that we left, watching the sun sink towards the horizon as the boat eased away from the pier on Rottnest Island, I was already replaying my favourite parts of the day in my head as I looked around at everyone. Rottnest Island should be on everyone's bucket list when in Australia. It is a shining jewel and it exceeds every expectation you could possibly have, tenfold.

If you are planning to go to Rottnest just for a day trip, there are a few things that you should know/take on board:

  • Book a combined ferry & bike package: This allows you to be able to get around the entire island with ease. Especially in summer, the island gets busier and busier, so taking a bike means that you can explore the vast reaches of the island by bike and away from the foot traffic that frequents the entry point to the island
  • Take a hat and sunscreen: Even in the winter, the sun never stays away for long in Australia! So, protect your skin and your head by bringing a hat and reapplying sunscreen throughout the day
  • Take seasickness tablets: Josh and I typically do not get sea sickness, however we bought and all five had a sea sickness pill both on the way there and the way back. With just a day, you don't want to risk spending any valuable time throwing up and feeling sick. An important point to note is that sea sickness tablets are a preventative. If you take them after you are already feeling seasick, they are likely not going to work
  • Bring a camera or GoPro: Quite honestly, our GoPros are epic (especially the new 9!) and we take them everywhere. Having a camera or GoPro - or even just your phone, these days! - means you can capture the magic while staying in the moment
  • There is a no-drone rule: If you want to use your drone on Rottnest Island like we did, there is unfortunately a no-recreational-use drone rule to protect the privacy of island guests
  • Do not pick up the quokkas: Or the other wildlife, for that matter. These little guys are super friendly and curious, so they will come quite close to you without you inviting them to. We held leaves and they came right up to us and touched us a few times, but we refrained from handling them ourselves. They are wild animals and you do not want to get them too used to people


62 metres under the Earth's surface in wine country

With just a few days left in Perth, we spent the night times watching movies and having snacks, and the days seeing more in and around Perth. Initially, going to Margaret River was not on the agenda but thank goodness we ended up going. It is a huge drive for just one day by the river, however it is a drive that is entirely worthwhile. The green grass becomes so prominent that it is everywhere. Kangaroos and the like wander through the grapevines of the vineyards. And then as we came out the other side of a shower, the most vibrant rainbow just appeared, its entirety arching through the sky behind the vibrant greens of the country. It seemed a fitting welcome to wine country. We headed straight to Lake Cave, one of the few caves in this part of WA that is literal magic. 62 metres under the Earth's surface and 82 metres long in diameter, Lake Cave is the only cave here that has a year-round natural spring in it. And from the roof of the cave (once you finally made it down there, as the stairs down are quite steep and aplenty), each of the crystals on the roof is part of a long-winded (to say the very least) process that adds more do the crystal over time, these delicate droplets that made their way, ever slowly, to the tip of the crystal to drip down to the ground of this cave. It takes ten months to drip down from the surface to the roof of the cave. How insane is that?! We got to experience it in total darkness too which was quite wild! 

After this wicked underground cave experience, we stopped off at Vasse Felix, one of Mum and Dad's favourite vineyards, for lunch. They had a function unfortunately, but we stayed for a tasting. I love looking back on that experience. Poor Dad was the designated driver, so the rest of us took on the tasting and left tipsy enough that we ordered wine to be delivered to our house back here at home...oops? It ended up being perfect because we went to Beer Farm for a delicious lunch of tacos and burgers and some beers and ciders. This place is the coolest atmosphere, the picture-perfect country bar and restaurant. It was such a great way to spend a day and explore more around Perth. After the long drive back to our AirBnB, we grabbed some dinner and had what would be the last movie night of the trip before we had to say goodbye to Dad for now and head back home to see my brother's pup. It was a bittersweet day, however it was the perfect day, too.


Rounding out the best week of adventure and family time

We rounded out the week with a final day exploring Perth via the ANZAC Memorial Walk in the park overlooking the river and having one last lunch by that stretch of river. By the time we arrived at the airport the next morning, emotions were high. By far, this is the hardest goodbye I have ever had to have at an airport. We knew that Dad would only be a few weeks still in Perth before he was coming home too, but that did not make it and less sad. There were tears and I boarded that plane looking over my shoulder as we crossed the tarmac to see if I could get one last glance at Dad. I think we all did. And then, too quickly are the best week of quality family time in so long, we were on our way home, out over the red desert and back to the East coast. This is the first time that Andrew and myself had been back to Perth since we were little. It exceeded every possible expectation and we were all filled with gratitude and a little sadness at having to leave. After over a year of chaos around the world, being able to be with the ones that you love the most is the most priceless gift anyone can have. Perth is spectacular and Western Australia is magic. This was the greatest gift Mum and Dad could have given us, at exactly the time that we all needed it. I will always be thankful for it all and I genuinely already cannot wait to go back and explore it more! 


Footnotes From Around The World - Perth

  • Spectacular beaches 
  • Unique wildlife
  • Impeccable produce and food
  • Epic vineyards and breweries
  • Rottnest Island, Australia's "Venice", and Margaret River were highlights
  • Whales, dolphins, roos, quokkas
  • Close to many incredible species of wildlife
  • A healthy, thriving city

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